V1.5a.2 - Made second incrementy upgrade [2022/06/30]
V1.5a.1 - Made incrementy upgrades show correct values on load
V1.5a - First incrementy upgrade works now
Katakana! starts working on the game again [2022/06/29]. Created a
document to host future plans for the game.
V1.5~ - Upgrade boosts incrementy per second, but it resets other game progress. Doesn't work yet
V1.4 - Incrementy Upgrades added [2020/06/23]
V1.3 - Incrementy works now
V1.2 - Incrementy and Options tabs added
V1.1.1 - You can upgrade coins per click
V1.1 - Added new currency: Coins. You can click to get more of them
V1.0 - Development beginning